Source code for omfvista.lineset

"""Methods to convert line set objects to VTK data objects"""

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Line Set'

import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps
import vista

import numpy as np

from omfvista.utilities import add_data

[docs]def line_set_to_vtk(lse): """Convert the line set to a :class:`vista.PolyData` data object. Args: lse (:class:`omf.lineset.LineSetElement`): The line set to convert Return: :class:`vista.PolyData` """ output = vtk.vtkPolyData() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() pts = vtk.vtkPoints() # Make a data array for grouping the line segments indexArr = vtk.vtkIntArray() indexArr.SetNumberOfValues(lse.geometry.num_cells) indexArr.SetName('Line Index') # Generate VTK Points from the vertices pts.SetNumberOfPoints(lse.geometry.num_nodes) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(lse.geometry.vertices)) last = lse.geometry.segments[0][0] segi = 0 for i in range(len(lse.geometry.segments)): # Create a VTK Line cell for each segment seg = lse.geometry.segments[i] aLine = vtk.vtkLine() aLine.GetPointIds().SetId(0, seg[0]) aLine.GetPointIds().SetId(1, seg[1]) cells.InsertNextCell(aLine) # Group segments by connectivity: if seg[0] != last: segi += 1 last = seg[1] indexArr.SetValue(i, segi) # Generate the output output.SetPoints(pts) output.SetLines(cells) output.GetCellData().AddArray(indexArr) # Now add data to lines: add_data(output, # TODO: if subtype is borehole make a tube return vista.wrap(output)
line_set_to_vtk.__displayname__ = 'Line Set to VTK'