Source code for omfvista.volume

"""Methods for converting volumetric data objects"""

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Volume'

import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps
import vista

from omfvista.utilities import check_orientation, check_orthogonal

import numpy as np

[docs]def get_volume_shape(vol): """Returns the shape of a gridded volume""" return ( len(vol.tensor_u), len(vol.tensor_v), len(vol.tensor_w))
[docs]def volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volgridgeom): """Convert the 3D gridded volume to a :class:`vista.StructuredGrid` (or a :class:`vista.RectilinearGrid` when apprropriate) object contatining the 2D surface. Args: volgridgeom (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeGridGeometry`): the grid geometry to convert """ volgridgeom._validate_mesh() ox, oy, oz = volgridgeom.origin # Make coordinates along each axis x = ox + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_u) x = np.insert(x, 0, ox) y = oy + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_v) y = np.insert(y, 0, oy) z = oz + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_w) z = np.insert(z, 0, oz) # If axis orientations are standard then use a vtkRectilinearGrid if check_orientation(volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w): output = vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid() output.SetDimensions(len(x), len(y), len(z)) # note this subtracts 1 output.SetXCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=x)) output.SetYCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=y)) output.SetZCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=z)) return vista.wrap(output) # Otherwise use a vtkStructuredGrid output = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() output.SetDimensions(len(x), len(y), len(z)) # note this subtracts 1 # Build out all nodes in the mesh xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') points = np.c_[xx.ravel('F'), yy.ravel('F'), zz.ravel('F')] # Rotate the points based on the axis orientations rotation_mtx = np.array([volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w]) points = # Convert points to vtk object pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(len(points)) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(points)) # Now build the output output.SetPoints(pts) return vista.wrap(output)
[docs]def volume_to_vtk(volelement): """Convert the volume element to a VTK data object. Args: volelement (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeElement`): The volume element to convert """ output = volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volelement.geometry) shp = get_volume_shape(volelement.geometry) # Add data to output for data in arr = data.array.array arr = np.reshape(arr, shp).flatten(order='F') c = nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=arr, deep=True) c.SetName( loc = data.location if loc == 'vertices': output.GetPointData().AddArray(c) else: output.GetCellData().AddArray(c) return vista.wrap(output)
# Now set up the display names for the docs volume_to_vtk.__displayname__ = 'Volume to VTK' volume_grid_geom_to_vtk.__displayname__ = 'Volume Grid Geometry to VTK' get_volume_shape.__displayname__ = 'Volume Shape'